As summer approaches, it is now time to spring forward into daylight savings!
Many students see it as another step closer to summer like Mia Overstreet. “I am a fan of daylight savings, the later sunsets are the best thing ever!”
But what does daylight savings really mean? Well first off, In early November to early March, clocks are set at standard time aligning with Hawaii and Arizona. But as of March 9, 1:59 a.m. went to 3:00 a.m. which took away one hour of sleep.
Why don’t we just keep standard time? Some studies show that having the time change reduces crime rates and keeps the roads safer as the sun sets usually between 7:00 and 8:00 p.m.
Unfortunately there are some downsides to daylight savings. It’s believed that lower productivity happens because people tend to sleep in and stay up later, typically not getting things done.
Overall, daylight savings brings good times and memories you won’t forget in the spring, summer and heading into fall to begin a brand new school year.