A friendly face, a bodacious leader, obsessive over Dick Van Dyke — These are all words that I would use, as her nephew, to encapsulate Ms. Spradlin, the AP Human Geography and AP World History teacher at Torrance High.
And this Thursday, a barrage of ASB students, joined by Principal Girgis and various PTA members, intercepted her 4th period to watch her receive the PTA Outstanding Teacher award, a token of 24 years of service to the school.
“I had no idea [about the award], until I saw a bunch of people start walking into my room,” Ms. Spradlin, better known to students as Spraddy, recalls. “Yeah, totally unexpected.”
The award is given by the Parent Teachers Association, who also determine awards such as the Honorary Service Award, acknowledging staff and other individuals in the school system for their merits.
A former Torrance alumni herself graduating class of 1993, Spraddy started at El Camino College and got her teaching credentials from California State University Long Beach, majoring in history.
In her time working at Torrance, Spraddy has served as Activities Director, the current head of Service League, advisor to the Sophomore Class Council, and had a huge hand in throwing Torrance High’s centennial celebration in 2017.
Spraddy commented Thursday upon receiving her award that the students of Torrance High are what’s “keeping me young”.
As her nephew, I always remember coming to her house over the summer to see her being really excited to see her students’ scores on the AP test, because she “knows they did really well”.
“She’s very inspired, very into the topic unless she tells you she’s not, otherwise she still finds a way to make it interesting.” Says James Fuentes, a Sophomore in Spraddy’s class this year.
“I really like her style of teaching…her notes really guide us. I know she is busy with class council and all that, and I’d say she does a pretty good job with that.” Says Jayden Pineda-Garcia, currently a Junior who doesn’t have her class anymore, but took both AP Human Geography and World History.
In her 24 years, Spraddy has left a lasting mark on our school, from her hard work as a teacher or leading numerous student activities. So from the staff, students, obnoxious nephews, and everyone at Torrance High, thank you, Ms. Spradlin.