Students at Torrance High School, like students elsewhere, are doing part-time work with academic workload. Working part-time leaders is an opportunity for students to save for college or contribute to family finances, but it also introduces a unique set of challenges. Balancing work and school is tough and requires effective time management, determination, and a supportive environment.
Students who work part-time have difficulties that can lead to stress, impacting both their school performance and well-being. Kevin, a student at Torrance high, mentions “it is really stressful to finish homework after work.” Tartars often have to make careful schedules to ensure they meet school deadlines while fulfilling work shifts. Effective balancing of these responsibilities can be aided by our school after-school study support, or even part-time credit programs for students who need to work. For instance, our school has a Wellness center where students can share their emotions and stress.
In addition, a proactive approach from teachers, such as understanding students’ work commitments, can make a big difference. Having conversations about managing workloads and setting achievable goals helps working students feel supported.